Daycom. Inc. visualizes new possibilities and provides affordable & reliable IT services, online backup, Office 365 Solutions, Azure, Google Apps, Amazon AWS Solutions, web development, Public/Private/Hybrid Could solutions.

Christopher M. Day
New Horizons Associates Degree - Computer Network Engineer
CompTIA A+ Certification, CompTIA Network + Certification, CompTIA Security + Certification, WatchGuard Edge Training, Microsoft Certified Software Engineer (MCSE), Red Hat Certified Technician (RECT), Daycom Owner for 23 Years
Technical Achievements:
Established Daycom 1996 Creates Turnkey Solutions, Manages and Maintains Multiple Networks, Remote Support Abilities, Recognizes Industry advances and adjusts business practices and strengths accordingly, Data Center Utilization, Virtualization of Several Platforms and Servers, Implementation of Cloud Based Services, Hosted Exchange, Online Backup Solution, Hosted VOIP Solution, MicroWave ISP Provider, SIP Trunk Partner, Polycom Solution Provider
Technical Knowledge:
Dos, Win3.1, Win3.11, WinNT 3.51, WinNT 4.0, Windows 98, WindowsME, Windows XP Home/Pro, Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10, Windows Server 2008/2012/2016, Windows SBS Server, Exchange Server, VMware Workstation/Server, VMware ESX, Linux CentOS/Red Hat/Fedora, OS 8, OS 9, OS X Cheetah, Pumma, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, OS X Server, Microsoft Office 95-2016, CRM, CMS, Joomla, Drupal, PHP, MySQL, Photoshop, Flash, Adobe Acrobat, Google Apps, Snagit, Office 365
Technical Links: Microsoft Knowledge Base, Experts-Exchange, WinDrivers.com, SecurityFocus, MXToolBox, DNSStuff, Internet Health Report, Merchant Circle,

Arnold Sitseri
IT Manager
Pierce - Associates of Science in Computer & Network Technology
Certified Cisco Admin (CNA), Cisco Networking Academy 1-4, Electronics AC, DC, and Digital, CompTIA A+ Certification, CompTIA Network + Certification, CompTIA Security + Certification, WatchGuard Edge Training, Microsoft Certified Software Engineer (MCSE), Red Hat Certified Enginer (RECE), MSTS – Configuring Windows Vista Clients, Routing Technology Cert., Network Technology Cert., Personal Computer Service Technology Cert.
Technical Achievements:
Technician, Point of contact, Tier II Customer Service and Support, Manage and Maintain Multiple Corporate Networks, BreakFix, Routing and Remote Access, QoS, Manage Hosted Exchange, Mange Online Backup Solution, Manage Hosted VOIP Solution,
Technical Knowledge:
Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP Home/Pro, Windows 7/8/10, Windows Server 2008/2012/2016, Windows SBS Server, Exchange Server, VMware Workstation/Server, VMware ESXi/Vshpere, Linux Red Hat/Unbuntu/Fedora/Suse, OS X Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Hosted VoIP, Online Backup, Office 365
Technical Links: Microsoft Knowledge Base, Experts-Exchange, WinDrivers.com
Personal Links: Digg.com, Rotten Tomatoes, Twitter

Michael Farah
Tech\Office Manager
CompTIA A+ Certification
California State University Northridge (CSUN)
Baccalaureate Degree
Technical Achievements:
Point of contact, Tier I Customer Service and Support, Manage and Maintain Multiple Computer Networks, BreakFix, Remote Access, Hosted VoIP, Online Backup
Technical Knowledge:
Windows 7/8/10, Microsoft Office 365, Cloud Computing Portals
Technical Links: Microsoft Knowledge Base, Experts-Exchange, WinDrivers.com
Personal Links: Digg.com, Rotten Tomatoes, Twitter, IMdb, HuLu